Note: this is something I pieced together between a few different things I’ve written, so I apologize if any of it seems repetitive or disjointed.
We live in a seemingly physical realm, and we traverse this realm in seemingly physical vessels. In order to continue experiencing this realm we have to keep making more vessels, so some of them have to be male and some have to be female. We also have different makes and models which can make our experiences different from others. Race, sex, sexuality, size, shape, etc… none of these things define us, though. They're just expressions. No singular expression is better than another. None of them make someone more superior. No one has more Rights because of their genetics, identity, skin color, sexual orientation, etc. These expressions are to help us have unique experiences in this domain. Nature is always striving to be more diverse and more complex. It's a beautiful thing. It’s an expression of nature.
But we always forget who we really are, and start to identify as the vessel. When we lose that connection to our divine spark, all we end up seeing is the body. All we see is race, gender, sexuality, nationality, etc. We become obsessed with our ego-identities and believe that's all we are, that these things are WHO we are. And then we divide ourselves, and fall into mindless conflict. Each group starts thinking they're better than the other, deserving of special rights, including the right to dominate and rule the others.
The good news is... this isn't the result of "human nature." It isn't the nature of the human being to behave and think this way. What it is is the result of conditioning. We are programmed and conditioned into believing that all of our bodily expressions and all of our identities are Who We Are. Religion, politics, entertainment, mainstream media, the medical industry... they all reinforce this programming. Why? Because the more obsessed we are with the body and the ego-self, the easier we are to control. Sever that spiritual connection, convince us that we're all just "evolved" apes, that the whole point of existence is to survive, and you have the perfect slave species.
The ego – the part of us that says "I am me" – is there to help us differentiate between our own and everyone else’s, otherwise we wouldn’t survive. That's the primary purpose of the ego. We need some level of attachment to it in order to take care of ourselves and have own experiences. The ego is not who you are, though. Your body is not the totality of who you are. While you may be in a female or male body, the True Self has no gender. The True Self is both the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine in union – the Spiritual Androgyne. You may look different and have different desires, thoughts, feelings, traits, quirks, attractions, tastes, talents, professions and skills, they are not the totality of you. They are expressions. They are what make your experience here unique, for better or worse, depending on the choices you make and the actions you take.
When we start thinking these things define us as beings – that the body is who we are – we lose the greater point. We end up obsessing over the vessel, taking pride in it, and not the good kind of pride. The good kind is having pride in one’s accomplishments; to acknowledge and celebrate what you’ve overcome or the masterful work you’ve done. It makes no sense to have pride in something simply because it’s an aspect of your vessel. You didn’t make it, it’s just an expression.
I’ve been in that mindset, myself. I put more importance on physical identity to the point of trying to change my vessel. I lost my way. I cared more about my physical identity than I cared about truth, principles, or freedom. That’s the whole idea. That's why these identities and attachments are so emphasized in society. Obsession over the physical body is one of the biggest reasons we are divided and ruled. It’s encouraged. We are conditioned to do this. And then we end up in meaningless conflict over all these differences.
While we’re fighting each other over this nonsense, evil continues to rule. We become distracted, losing our minds over trivialities, not noticing that our chains are being tightened. And then what do we do? We make appeals to “authority” which is the end goal. The more we hate each other, the easier it is for us to cry for mommy and daddy “government” to make the meanies go away. So we stop putting faith in each other as human beings, and put faith in “authority,” asking them for safety, security, and to enact violence on our behalf.
It doesn’t matter what our differences are. It doesn’t matter if you’re straight, gay, male, female, white, black, or anything else. These things are NOT WHO YOU ARE. Again, they’re just expressions. They’re roles we play on this stage called physical reality. None of them make anyone better than anyone else. None of them come with special rights over others. Regardless of your identity or vessel, you’re still a human being. You are consciousness. We’re all pure consciousness having individuated experiences. A spiritually awake person understands this. They don't get caught up in their egos. They don't see people who have different expressions, traits, and identities as different subsets of human beings. They simply see another sovereign spiritual being having an experience.
The psychopaths who run this world know this. They don’t care about you, they care about power and control over you. The last thing they want is for you to remember who you are. These people are adept psychologists. They know how to appeal to the ego. The human psyche – our fears, our motivations, our desires, etc – is their playground. They know how to manipulate your emotions and trick you into believing untrue things. They can make you think the most base, unenlightened, low-consciousness ideas are truth, wisdom and goodness. And they can make you think it’s your idea, your “truth.”
If you want to identify a certain way, please understand that I’m not saying that’s wrong. Having your own unique identity is part of being human. The problem is when we make that identity the totality of who we are; when we place the ego above everything else. Be whoever or whatever you want to be, but remember Who You Are. Stop this divisiveness. Reconnect with the True Self – the Sovereign Spiritual Being that inhabits that fleshy thing you walk around in. You are not your body, you’re a beautiful divine spark of infinite consciousness.
A spiritually awake person embraces all of Creation with Agapé Love. They don't live in fear. Fear only breeds ignorance, confusion, and chaos. Love overcomes it. It steps into uncharted territory with courage. Love leads to knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom. When you're trapped by ego, what are you doing? Your putting up a wall of fear. And then anyone can come along and make you buy into all sorts of nonsense. A spiritually awake person sees through the charade. They've raised their consciousness and can see the destructive patterns and causal factors that lead to suffering. When you lack that spiritual knowing, all you see is the charade, and you believe it's real.
A spiritually awake person knows that every single human being has the same Rights, and that those Rights come from simply being alive. They are our Birthright. No one can take them away, no one can change them. They are fixed and eternal. They are under attack, however, and all of this ego stuff is part of that. Again, when all you think you are is your body, the ease in which you can be duped is very high. It leads to pure survivalism, moral relativism, social darwinism, and so on.
At the most fundamental spiritual level, we're all one. We are all individuated expressions of one eternal, divine source. We are gifted with two things in this domain: Free Will and Natural Law. We have the Free Will to choose any course of action, but we are not free to escape the consequences of those actions. If we continue down this spiritually devoid, egocentric path, all we'll get is more suffering, more conflict, more erosion of freedom, and more chaos.
If we start to reconnect with Who We Really Are, recognize that divine spark in our fellow human beings regardless of differences, start exercising Conscience, understand the causal factors of all of our suffering, and STOP doing those things... then and ONLY then will we create the conditions we all say we want: peace, happiness, prosperity, and freedom. We’ll watch the world change like we've never before seen in history.
The Powers That Shouldn’t Be – the Satanists and Dark Occultists behind all of this madness… Their control structure will start to crack and crumble the moment we unify as one people, as one human family, and start aligning our thoughts, emotions and actions with higher spiritual knowledge and true conscience. They can’t control and manipulate any being that knows Who They Are and stands firm in Sovereignty, Truth and Natural Law.