We are in the point in time called the Apocalypse. Obviously, it’s not the end of the world. The word comes from the Greek apocalyptein: apo (away from) and kalyptein (covering) – "to uncover or to reveal." The Apocalypse is the great revealing of what has been occulted. It's the time where Hidden Truth begins to surface. It is the time of awakening, but it's a long process. Regardless of how much truth is revealed, WE still have to acknowledge it, accept it, and then CARE enough to do something with that knowledge. Awakening is not a guarantee. It doesn’t happen magically.
The Truth is there all around us waiting to be discovered and shared. It's right there at your fingertips. All you need is the desire to know it, the will to live it, and the courage to speak it. Every single person has the power to change the world by teaching others... without wavering. You have to keep going no matter how hard it gets or how futile it seems. You can't camp out halfway up the mountain because you weren't getting immediate results. You have to go all the way otherwise you might as well do nothing.
It is our shared responsibility to do this Great Work – to speak the Truth continuously, courageously and unapologetically – even when we feel burdened by it, and even if it makes all those involved feel uncomfortable.
More people are becoming righteously angry at injustice and corruption, and that’s good, but too often it gets channeled unwisely. We’re looking at all the symptoms and other external factors and pointing fingers. What we need to do is take that anger and look in a mirror. Acknowledge the thoughts, feelings and actions that are making YOU part of the problem. For true, lasting change to happen in the world we have to change within. We have to deal with our own internal enslavement by false beliefs and ego attachments. We have to face the Shadow Self and be willing to admit all the things we were wrong about. This is all about self-respect.
The word 'respect' comes from the Latin re- meaning "again" and spectare meaning "to look at." True Self-Respect literally means "to look at yourself again," to re-evaluate yourself. That's one of the hardest things for people to do. Nobody wants to be wrong about what they believe. That programming has to be broken down, though. Without self-respect all you'll ever do is lie to yourself and suffer. Largely, we are not a society with self-respect. We've become a society of self-loathing. No self-respecting people allow themselves to be coerced, oppressed and enslaved. We have to heal that condition.
It's important to know and understand what's happening around us, but that's not where change happens. You have to get to the WHY – WHY is slavery our current human condition – and that's an internal process. Knowledge of what is actually happening in the world is important, but knowing the Self, aligning yourself with Truth, getting your thoughts, emotions and actions in harmony, understanding your Sovereignty, having True Care for humanity (Agapé Love), and speaking the Truth to others unwaveringly is the Work we need to do to overcome those conditions.
Another hard thing to overcome is the fear of sacrifice and the fear of death. Those fears hold us back from true progress. What meaning does life have if you're living in slavery? Freedom is worth everything, and you have to be willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it – your time, your attention, your comforts, your job, your sense of security, or even your life. If you don't fight for it, you lose it. You have to become conscious of your behavior and stop doing anything that supports or condones the harm of others no matter what the temporary consequences are. If that means having to endure a period of suffering – for yourself and/or your family – then so be it. Sacrifices have to be made if you want to do the Right thing.
Freedom isn't just about you and yours, it's about all of us. We are all connected spiritually and karmically. Our differences are irrelevant in the bigger picture. We all have the exact same Rights under Natural Law. We don't fight for just our own freedom, but for humanity as a whole. No other way is possible. If one is suffering, all are suffering.
If you want Freedom to manifest in the world you have to be Free within. You have to do that shadow work and be willing to change. If you don't think you need to, that's a red flag that you do. It's a difficult process, but it has to be done. Learn the truth about what's happening in the world, and then do what needs to be done to change the part of you that is contributing to the problem – the erroneous beliefs, the ego attachments, moral relativism, etc. Then start helping others by teaching and encouraging them to begin this Work themselves.
While knowledge is required, knowing it is only half the battle. That knowledge – especially in the times we're living in today where Freedom is rapidly on the wane – comes with responsibility and moral duty. Do your due diligence and get involved! We can't achieve any of it by watching from the sidelines and hoping someone else will do the work for us. There are no "white hats,” mystical forces or alien races scurrying around and vying for position as humanity’s saviors. WE are our own saviors, and that's always been the case regardless of what anyone claims otherwise.
We do this Work for the Freedom of All… the individual and the whole. If we’re successful, the world as we know it – full of suffering, violence, and chaos – will end… and we’ll feel much more than fine.