A real awakening in humanity would shake the world. We’re not seeing that. We’re seeing maybe a tiny, paltry few people resisting globalist agendas, but the belief in “authority” is still alive and well.
People still do not understand the actual causal factors of our current condition, or that the solution is rooted in consciousness and spiritual understanding, not external factors like money and politics. Most continue their willful ignore-ance of occult knowledge while favoring the solipsistic and dogmatic belief systems given to them by social engineers.
It can seem like there is a growing awakening happening when your social strata is limited to the like-minded, but it's illusory. A tiny percentage of the population can seem like a lot of people within that limited perspective, but in comparison to the aggregate, it's miniscule. It's still not a true awakening. People are simply feeling the brunt of tyranny in more personal ways, becoming slightly more aware of it. There's still more to wake up to; still more to learn; and still a ton of internal work to be done to achieve freedom within. If you're not free within your own mind, heart and soul, you cannot expect to create freedom externally.
True Awakening is a deeply internal, deeply spiritual and immense shift in consciousness where all of these false beliefs and ego-entrapments are completely broken down, dissolved, and abandoned. It's about coming to understand Who You Are as a spirit-in-the-flesh being. It's about understanding that the current human condition is slavery, and the ONLY way out is through deeply understanding and abiding by Objective Morality and Natural Law. It's about bringing the three aspects of consciousness – thought, emotion and action – into unity. It’s about developing True Care, Courage, Conviction and Conscience, and taking Right Action. Is that what we're seeing in the world? No. A very, very tiny sliver of humanity may have awakened; but beyond that, the bulk of humanity is still very much in an ego-hardened, willfully ignorant trance.
The psychopathic “ruling class” aren't nervous or panicking right now, not in any impactful way. If anything, they're laughing. They see our "truth and freedom movement" as a clown show, and for the most part, it is.
A true awakening won't be something only a few people notice, it will be obvious to the whole planet, because it will shake things up in ways that will devastate the control system worldwide. That's not happening today. Tyranny is growing. Abject slavery is at our doorstep. We still have time to turn it around, though, but that requires knowledge, care, conscience, will power, and sacrifice. It requires shadow work and abandoning false belief systems. It requires taking personal responsibility and right action – to speak the truth and be fearless, persistent, belligerent, and unapologetic moral educators.
WE make an awakening happen. It will not happen suddenly or magically. A critical mass has to be achieved deliberately. For each individual who becomes awake through our teaching efforts and service to truth, the whole awakens a bit more. If we don't do our part, evil will win.