I don't care what you look like, who you fancy, how you identify, what your nationality or ethnicity is, or anything else so trivial. What I care about is whether or not you're a good person who champions sovereignty and true freedom.
Those who continue to believe in and support "government," regardless of party, are not being good people. Those who want to push their worldviews onto everyone else via the violence of the state are not being good people. Those who want to infringe upon the rights of others just to maintain their own cultural comforts and traditions are not being good people.
This can be remedied, though, because there is the potential for goodness within most of them. Most people don't want conflict, they want to live their lives in peace. The problem is that they've all been hoodwinked by the superstition of "government." We're indoctrinated from childhood to believe in, legitimize, respect, obey and appeal to "authority."
We aren't properly raised in consciousness with proper morals, values and principles. We're thrown into state-funded prison camps called "public school" which continues and reinforces all of that programming while being reprimanded for daydreaming. The imagination is stifled right away so we never even consider any other possibilities.
And then we grow up and continue perpetuating this slavery system, and shame and scoff at anyone who is awake enough to stop. How dare you not pay your taxes! How dare you resist arrest! How dare you not obey! How dare you teach and encourage others to say NO to authority! Scum! Criminal! Terrorist!
Those who are truly awake – who truly know the difference between right and wrong, who stand firm in their principles, and help others see through and abandon this dangerous superstition called "government" – are the people I want around me. Race, gender, sexuality... couldn't care less about that. Just be a good person and be an active part of this Great Work – this tireless effort to end slavery. If you won't do that, then.. I'll let Samual Adams have this one:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”